History of the Christian Church, Volume I: Apostolic Christianity. A.D. 1-100.

(Darren Dugan) #1

  1. The Neronian persecution, a.d. 64 (the tenth year of Nero, according to Tacitus). The
    martyrdom of Paul and Peter occurred either then, or (according to tradition) a few years later. The
    question depends on the second Roman captivity of Paul.

  2. The destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, a.d. 70 (according to Josephus and Tacitus).

  3. The death of John after the accession of Trajan, a.d. 98 (according to general ecclesiastical
    The dates of the Synoptical Gospels, the Acts, the Pastoral Epistles, the Hebrews, and the
    Epistles of Peter, James, and Jude cannot be accurately ascertained except that they were composed
    before the destruction of Jerusalem, mostly between 60 and 70. The writings of John were written
    after that date and towards the close of the first century, except the Apocalypse, which some of the
    best scholars, from internal indications assign to the year 68 or 69, between the death of Nero and
    the destruction of Jerusalem.
    The details are given in the following table:
    Chronological Table of the Apostolic Age.
    Scripture History
    Events In Palestine
    Events In The Roman Empire
    b.c. 5 or 4
    Birth of Christ
    Death of Herod I. or the Great (a.u. 750, or b.c. 4).
    Augustus Emperor of Rome, B. C. 27-a.d. 14.
    a.d. 8
    His visit to the Temple at twelve years of age
    Cyrenius (Quirinius), Governor of Syria (for the second time). The registration, or "taxing." Acts
    5:37. Revolt of "Judas of Galilee." Coponius Procurator of Judaea. Marcus Ambivius Procurator.
    Tiberius colleague of Augustus
    Annius Rufus Procurator (about)
    Valerius Gratus Procurator
    Augustus dies. Tiberius sole emperor (14–37)
    Pontius Pilate Procurator from a.d. 26
    Christ’s Baptism.
    Caiaphas high priest from a.d. 26
    His three years’ ministry.
    His Crucifixion, Resurrection (April), and Ascension (May).
    Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Birthday of the Church (May). Acts, ch. 2.

A.D. 1-100.

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