History of the Christian Church, Volume I: Apostolic Christianity. A.D. 1-100.

(Darren Dugan) #1
H. Jul. Holtzmann: Die synoptischen Evangelien, ihr Ursprung und geschichtl. Charakter. Leipz.,

  1. See also his art. Evangelien in Schenkel’s "Bibel-Lex.," II. 207, and two articles on the
    Synoptic Question in the "Jahrbücher für Protest. Theol.," 1878, pp. 145 sqq. and 533 sqq.;
    but especially his Einleitung in das N. T., 2d ed., 1886.
    C. Weizsäcker (successor of Dr. Baur, but less radical): Untersuchungen über die evang. Gesch.,
    ihre Quellen, etc. Gotha, 1864.
    Gustave d’Eichthal: Les Évangiles. Paris, 1863. 2 vols.
    L. A. Sabatier: Essai sur les sources de la vie de Jésus. Paris, 1866.
    Andrew Jukes: The Characteristic Differences of the Four Gospels. London, 1867.
    Edward A. Thomson: The Four Evangelists; with the Distinctive Characteristics of their Gospels.
    Edinburgh, 1868.
    C. A. Row: The Historical Character of the Gospels Tested by an Examination of their Contents.
    1865–67. The Jesus of the Evangelists. London, 1868.
    Karl Wieseler: Beiträge zur richtigen Würdigung der Evangelien und der evangel. Geschichte.
    Gotha, 1869.
    Supernatural Religion (anonymous). London, 1873, 7th ed., 1879, vol. I., Part II., pp. 212 sqq.,
    and vol. III. Comp. the careful review and refutation of this work by Bishop Lightfoot in a
    series of articles in the "Contemporary Review," 1875, sqq.
    P. Godet: The Origin o f the Four Gospels. In his "Studies on the New Test.," 1873. Engl. transl.
    by W. H. Lyttelton. London, 1876. See also his Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke, Introd.
    and Appendix, Eng. trans. from 2d French ed. Edinb., 1875.
    W. Sanday: The Gospels in the Second Century. London, 1876.
    Bernhard Weiss (Professor in Berlin): Das Marcusevangelium und seine synoptischen Parallelen.
    Berlin, 1872. Das Matthäusevangelium und seine Lucas-Parallelen erklärt. Halle, 1876. Two
    very thorough critical works. Comp. also his reply to Holtzmann in the "Jahrbücher for Protest.
    Theologie," 1878; and his Einleitung in’s N. T., 1886.
    D. S. Gregory: Why Four Gospels? or, the Gospels for all the World. New York, 1877.
    E. Renan: Les évangiles et la seconde génération Chrétienne. Paris, 1877.
    Geo. P. Fisher (Professor in New Haven): The Beginnings of Christianity. New York, 1877. Chs.
    VIII.-XII. Also several articles on the Gospels in the "Princeton Review" for 1881.
    Wm. Thomson (Archbishop of York): The Gospels. General Introduction to Speaker’s "Com. on
    the New Test.," vol. I., pp. xiii.-lxxv. London and New York, 1878.
    Edwin A. Abbott (Head Master, City of London School): Gospels, in the ninth edition of the
    "Encyclopaedia Britannia," vol. X., pp. 789–843. Edinburgh and New York, 1879.
    Fred. Huidekoper (Unitar. Theol. Seminary, Meadville, Pa.): Indirect Testimony of History to the
    Genuineness of the Gospels. New York, 2d ed., 1879.
    John Kennedy (D. D.): The Four Gospels: their Age and Authorship. Traced from the Fourth
    Century into the First. London; Am. ed., with an introduction by Edwin W. Rice. Philadelphia,
    1880 (Am. Sunday School Union).
    J. H. Scholten:Das Paulinische Evangelium. Transl. from the Dutch by E. B. Redepenning. Elberfeld,

  2. C. Holsten:Die drei ursprünglichen, noch ungeschriebenen Evangelien. Leipzig, 1883 (79 pages).
    A modification of Baur’s tendency-hypothesis. Holsten assumes three forms of the original
    oral Gospel—the Pauline, the Petrine, and the Judaistic.

A.D. 1-100.

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