History of the Christian Church, Volume I: Apostolic Christianity. A.D. 1-100.

(Darren Dugan) #1
*(8.) Jesus again visits Cana in Galilee and heals a nobleman’s son at Capernaum, John 4:46–54.
*(9.) Second journey to Jerusalem at a feast (the second Passover?). The healing of the infirm
man at the pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath, 5:1–18. Beginning of the hostility of the Jews.
Discourse of Christ on his relation to the Father, and his authority to judge the world,
(10.) The feeding of the five thousand, 6:1–14. The stilling of the tempest, 6:15–21.
*The mysterious discourse in Capernaum on the bread of life; the sifting of the disciples; the
confession of Peter: "To whom shall we go," etc.; the hinting at the treason of Judas, 6:22–71.
*(11.) Third visit to Jerusalem, at the feast of the Tabernacles. The hasty request of the brethren
of Jesus who did not believe on him. His discourse in the Temple with opposite effect.
Rising hostility of the Jews, and vain efforts of the hierarchy to seize him as a false teacher
misleading the people, 7:1–52.
[*(12a.) The woman taken in adultery and pardoned by Jesus, 7:53–8:11. Jerusalem. Probably
an interpolation from oral tradition, authentic and true, but not from the pen of John. Also
found at the end, and at Luke 21.]
*(12b.) Discourse on the light of the world. The children of God and the children of the devil.
Attempts to stone Jesus, John 8:12–59.
*(13.) The healing of the man born blind, on a Sabbath, and his testimony before the Pharisees,
*(14.) The parable of the good shepherd, 10:1–21. Speech at the feast of Dedication in Solomon’s
porch, 10:22–39. Departure to the country beyond the Jordan, 10:40–42.
*(15.) The resurrection of Lazarus at Bethany, and its effect upon hastening the crisis. The
counsel of Caiaphas. Jesus retires from Jerusalem to Ephraim, 11:1–57.
(16.) The anointing by Mary in Bethany, 12:1–8. The counsel of the chief priests, 12:9–11.
(17.) The entry into Jerusalem, 12:12–19. (Comp. Matt. 21:1–17; Mark 11:1–11; Luke 19:29–44.)
*(18.) Visit of the Greeks. Discourse of Jesus on the grain of wheat which must die to bear
fruit; the voice from heaven; the attraction of the cross; the opposite effect; reflection of
the Evangelist; summary of the speeches of Jesus, John 12:20–50.
III. The Private Manifestation of Christ in the Circle of his Disciples. During the fourth and last
Passover week. Jerusalem, 13:1–17:26.
*(l.) Jesus washes the feet of the disciples before the Passover meal, 13:1–20.
(2.) He announces the traitor, 13:21–27. The departure of Judas, 13:27–30.
*(3.) The new commandment of love, 13:31–35. (Here is the best place for the institution of
the Lord’s Supper, omitted by John, but reported by all the Synoptists and by Paul.)
(4.) Prophecy of Peter’s denial, 13:36–38.
*(5.) The farewell discourses to the disciples; the promise of the Paraclete, and of Christ’s
return, 14:1 – 16:33.
*(6.) The Sacerdotal Prayer, 17:1–26.
IV. The Glorification of Christ in the Crucifixion and Resurrection, 18:1–20:31.
(1.) The passage over the Kedron, and the betrayal, 18:1–11.
(2.) Jesus before the high priests, Annas and Caiaphas, 18:12–14, 19–24.
(3.) Peter’s denial, 18:15–18, 25–27.
(4.) Jesus before the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, 18:28–19:16. Original in part (19:4–16).
(5.) The crucifixion, 19:17–37.

A.D. 1-100.

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