History of the Christian Church, Volume I: Apostolic Christianity. A.D. 1-100.

(Darren Dugan) #1
•Andover, 1851.
•Annales Ecclesiastici
•Anselm of Canterbury
•Antiquitates Judaicae
•Apostolic Age (1832, 4th ed. 1842
•Apostolic Age, p. 182
•Beginnings of the Christian Church
•Bible Dictionaries
•Biblical and Historical Dictionaries
•C. de Smedt (R. C.): Introductio generalis ad historiam ecclesiasticam critice tractandam. Gandavi
(Ghent), 1876 (533 pp.).
•Christ and other Masters. London, 4th ed. by Procter, 1875.
•Christ in History; or, the Central Power among Men. Bost. 1854, 2d ed. 1860.
•Christianity and the Church in the time of its Founding
•Com. I. 35, English translation by Crombie and Cusin
•Com. on 1 Cor. 14, p. 177
•Com. on The New Test., vol. I., p. xli
•Com., p. xxxiii.
•Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, New York, 1867–’81, 10 vols.
and two supplementary volumes, 1885 and 1887, largely illustrated
•Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms in der Zeit von Augustus bis zum Ausgang der
Antonine. Leipzig, 5th ed., revised, 1881, 3 vols. A standard work.
•Das Apost. Zeitalter. 1853, I. pp. 224–318.
•Das Judenthum und seine Geschichte (Breslau, 2d ed. 1865, vol. I. p. 117)
•De Civ. Dei, XVIII. c. 49
•De Stella Nova in Pede Serpentarii (Opera, vol. II. 575 sqq.)
•Dictionary of Christian Antiquities (London and Boston, 1875, 2 vols.)
•Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines during the first eight centuries
(London and Boston, 1877–’87, 4 vols.)
•Die Epochen der kirchlichen Geschichtschreibung. Tüb. 1852.
•Die N. Testamentlichen Lehrbegriffe, oder Untersuchungen über das Zeitalter der Religionswende,
die Vorstufen des Christenthums und die erste Gestaltung desselben. Mainz, 1852, 2 vols.
•Die Reformation
•Die christliche Gnosis oder die christliche Religionsphilosophie, 1835
•Die kirchenhist. Arbeiten von 1851–1860. In Niedner’s "Zeitschrift für histor. Theologie," for
1866, Gotha, pp. 3–160. The same: Die ältere Kirchengesch. in ihren neueren Darstellungen. In
"Jahrbücher für deutsche Theol." Vol. II. 648 sqq.
•Eccelesiastica Historia Novi Testamenti, commonly called Centuriae Magdeburgenses
•Ein Tag in Capernaum, p. 137
•Einl. in d. Philos. der Mythologie, p. 109
•Einleitung in das Studium u. die Liter. der K.
•Einleitung in die Dogmengeschichte
•Einleitung in die K
•Encyclopaedia Britannica (9th ed., completed 1889 in 25 vols.)

A.D. 1-100.

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