History of the Christian Church, Volume I: Apostolic Christianity. A.D. 1-100.

(Darren Dugan) #1
of Christ, the apostolic and the post-apostolic age to Hadrian (a.d. 117). English translation by
Poynting and Guenzer, Lond. 1878 sqq.
•Nature and Worth of the Science of Church History
•Opera Omnia (Frcf. et Erlang. 1858–’70, 8 vols.), vol. IV. pp. 175 sqq.; 201 sqq.; 279 sqq.
•Outlines of Universal History (1885)
•Papal Fables of the Middle Age
•Parchim & Ludwigslust, 1839.
•Paul, II. 281, English translation
•Phenomenon singulare seu Mercurius in Sole (ibid. II. 801 sqq.)
•Philad. 1846.
•Propädeutik der Kirchengeschichte. Mainz, 1888 (352 pp.).
•Reformers before the Reformation
•Religious Encyclopaedia
•Sermons and Essays on the Apost. Age, p. 249 sq., 3d ed.
•Sermons and Essays on the Apostolic Age. p. 166
•Smith’s "Bible Dictionary," p. 3108, Am. ed.
•St. Bernard (1813, 2d ed. 1848)
•St. Chrysostom (1822, 3d ed. 1848)
•Stella nova in pede Serpentarii (Prague, 1606)
•Summa Historia Ecclesiasticae
•Summa Historialis
•Supernatural Religion (vol. II. 487)
•Tertullian (1825, 2d ed. 1849)
•Textbook of Church History
•The Beginnings of Christianity. N. York, 1877. Chs. II.-VII.
•The Church and the Churches
•The Conflict of Christianity with Heathenism. Transl. by Egbert C. Smyth and C. T H. Ropes. N.
York, 1879. Book I. chs. 1 and 2. The German original appeared in a 4th ed., 1884.
•The Huguenots and Henry of Navarre (1886, 2 vols.)
•The Methods of Historical Study. Lond 1886.
•The Philosophy of History in Europe. Edinb., 1874, etc.
•The Pope and the Council
•The True Idea and Uses of Church History. N. York, 1856.
•Three Essays on Religion. (Am. ed., p. 253)
•Three Introductory Lectures on the Study of Eccles. History Lond. 1857. (Also incorporated in
his History of the Eastern Church 1861.)
•Trinity and Incarnation (1841–’43, in 3 vols.)
•Uebersicht der kirchengeschichtlichen Literatur vom Jahre 1825–1850. In Niedner’s "Zeitschrift
für historische Theologie," 1851.
•Universal History of the Church
•Vie de Jésus (Chap. III. p. 35)
•Vorlesungen über N. Testamentliche Zeitgeschichte, aus dessen Nachlass herausgegeben von
Löhlein, mit Vorwort von Hundeshagen. Frankf. a M. 1862.

A.D. 1-100.

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