(Dana P.) #1
Mathematics and Origami

  1. Glue B / B; one twist; one cut. Result (Fig. 5): band ́s length double than the original and
    half width. The ant strolls successive and continuously on red and white.

  2. Glue B / B; one twist; two cuts produced as an only ontinuous one. Result (Fig. 6): two in-
    terlaced bands of the same width (1 / 3 of the original); one of equal length as the original,
    and double length the other.

  3. Glue B / B; one twist; three cuts: a) First two cuts are produced as an only continuous one

with double length than the original, thus resulting in a band with that double length and 1/4
width. b) The other cut that appears in the middle after cut a), has a length equal to that of
the original and is independent from a), produces a band of double length than the original,
width 1 / 4, interlaced with itself and with the curl a). See Fig. 7.

  1. Glue B / B; three twists; one cut. Result: one band of double length, half width, and double-
    interlaced with itself. (Fig. 8).





two cuts


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