Suttner, Bertha von,113
sweet potatoes, 156, 158–159
technetium, 214
teleautomatic boat, 153
telegraph, 82–83, 120, 129, 131–132,
133, 140, 143, 147, 169, 184
telephone, 9, 10, 132, 133–134, 140,
142, 145, 147, 150, 184, 190, 253
television, 15, 202–204, 205,
214, 223
Television, 204
Television in Science and
Industry, 204
Teller, Augusta (Harkanyi), 241
Teller, Edward, 10, 232,
240 –244, 247
terrestrial stationary waves, 154
Tesla, Nikola, 141, 151–155, 189
Tesla coil, 152, 153
Theorie und Konstruktion eines
rationellen Wäremotors, 156
Theory of Games and Economic
Behavior, 231
Thomas, Sidney Gilchrist, 102
Thompson, E.O.P., 267
Thouvenin, Louis-Étienne de, 93
Three Little Pigs, 221
three-phase system, 151
thrust, 194
Toomer, Ron, 279–280
top-down approach in artificial
intelligence, 298
Torvalds, Linus, 313–314
Townes, Charles, 261–263
track balls, 275
Traité de la Lumière, 34
transistor, 253–257, 276–277
transmission control protocol
(TCP), 286–290
Treatise on the Improvement of
Canal Navigation, 62
Truman, Harry, 242
Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin, 194–195
Tudge, Colin, 297
tunneling, 280–282
Tuppy, Hans, 267
turboelectric drive, 170
Turing, Alan, 228
Tuskegee Normal and Industrial
Institute, 157, 158, 159, 160
Twain, Mark, 154
Ulam, Stanislaw Marcin, 242–243
United States Electric Lighting
Company, 120
UNIVAC I, 234, 239, 240
universal radio amplifier, 225
UNIX, 313
Upton, Francis, 135–136
Urey, Harold C., 246
Utopia or Oblivion, 212
Velie, Stephen H., 92
velocipede, 107
ventricular assist device, 244
Visible Speech, 143
Visible Speech Pioneer, 143
Vitascope, 139
Vogelflug als Grundlage der
Fliegekunst, Der, 148–149
Vollständiges Lehrbuch der
Steindruckerey, 70
Volta, Alessandro, 54–57
7 Index 7