- 1 A Short History of Grammar Acknowledgments xiii
- Agreeing on a Definition
- Greek Beginnings
- Grammar in Rome
- Grammar in the Middle Ages
- The Age of Enlightenment
- The Age of Reason
- Modern Grammars
- 2 Teaching Grammar
- Recognizing the Challenges
- Learning Outcomes
- Grammar and Writing
- Why Teach Grammar?
- Best Practices
- Suggested Activities
- 3 Traditional Grammar
- Prescriptive Grammar in Our Schools
- Form and Function in Grammar
- Subjects and Predicates
- Nouns
- Pronouns
- Verbs
- Modifiers
- Function Words
- 4 Phrase Structure Grammar
- From the Universal to the Particular
- Phrase–Structure Rules
- Tree Diagrams
- Coordination
- Progressive Verb Forms
- Perfect Verb Forms
- Possessives
- Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Modification
- Subordinate Clauses
- Complement Clauses
- Relative Clauses
- Negatives
- Nonfinite Verb Forms
- Summary of Phrase–Structure Rules
- 5 Noam Chomsky and Grammar
- The Chomsky Revolution
- Deep Structure and Surface Structure
- The Basics of Transformation Rules
- Relative Clause Formation
- The Minimalist Program
- A Critique of the Minimalist Program
- 6 Cognitive Grammar
- What Is Cognitive Grammar?
- Modularity
- Determining Meaning
- Cognitive Grammar and Language Acquisition
- 7 Dialects
- What Is a Dialect?
- How Do Dialects Develop?
- Students and Dialects
- Slang
- Development of a Prestige Dialect
- Nonstandard Dialects
- Dialects and Education
- Black English
- Chicano English
- Chicano English Grammar
- Chicano English in the Classroom
- Spanglish
- Code Switching
- References
- Index