200 CHAPTER 4 Abstract Algebra
4.1.5 Relations and equivalence relations
LetSbe a set. ArelationRonSis simply a subset ofS×S. Nothing
more, nothing less. If (x,y)∈R⊆S×S, then we typically writexRy
and say thatxis related toy. A few examples might clarify this.
(i) LetRbe the relation “<” on the setRof real numbers. Therefore,
R = {(x,y)∈R×R|x < y}.
(ii) Fix a positive integermand recall that ifa∈Zthenm|a means
thatais a multiple ofm. Now letRbe the relation on the setZ
of integers defined by
Note that we already met this relation in Section 2.1.3.
This relation is, as we have seen, customarily denoted “mod m”
and read “congruence modulom.” Thus ifm= 7, then we can say
that 1≡15 (mod 7)” where we read this as “1 is congruent to 15
modulo 7.”
Note, in particular, that if m = 7 then the integers which are
congruent modulo 7 to −1 are precisely those of the form −1 +
7 k, k= 0,± 1 ,± 2 , ....
(iii) LetS={ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 }. We may express a relationRonSby
specifying a matrix P containing 0s and 1s and where the rows
and columns are labeled by the elements of S in the order 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, and 6 and where a “1” in rowiand columnjdesignates
thatiRj. More specifically, let’s consider the relation defined as
by the matrix: