Advanced High-School Mathematics

(Tina Meador) #1

SECTION 1.2 Triangle Geometry 19

  1. In the figure to the right, three cir-
    cies of the same radius and centers
    X, Y andZare shown intersecting
    at pointsA, B, C, and D, with D
    the common point of intersection of
    all three circles.
    Show that
    (a) D is the circumcenter of
    4 XY Z, and that
    (b)Dis the orthocenter of 4 ABC.
    (Hint: note thatY ZCDis
    a rhombus.)

  2. Show that the three medians of a triangle divide the triangle into
    six triangle of equal area.

  3. Let the triangle 4 ABC be given, and letA′ be the midpoint of
    [BC],B′the midpoint of [AC] and letC′be the midpoint of [AB].
    Prove that

(i) 4 A′B′C′∼ 4ABC and that the ratios of the corresponding
sides are 1:2.
(ii) 4 A′B′C′and 4 ABC have the same centroid.
(iii) The four triangles determined within 4 ABC by 4 A′B′C′
are all congruent.
(iv) The circumcenter of 4 ABC is the orthocenter of 4 A′B′C′.

The triangle 4 A′B′C′ of 4 ABC formed above is called theme-
dial triangleof 4 ABC.

  1. The figure below depicts a hexagram “inscribed” in two lines. Us-
    ing the prompts given, show that the linesX, Y, andZare colin-
    ear. This result is usually referred toPappus’ theorem.

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