Advanced High-School Mathematics

(Tina Meador) #1

408 CHAPTER 6 Inferential Statistics

(The above calculation can be done on your TI-83, using 1−χ^2 cdf(0, 4 ,1).
The third argument, 1, is just the number of degrees of freedom.)

Since the P-value is .0455, one sees that there is a fair amount of
significance that can be attached to this outcome. We would—at the
5% level of significance—rejectH 0 and say that the coin is not fair.

Example 2. Let’s return to the case of the allegedly fair die and the
results of the 200 tosses. Theχ^2 test results in the value:

χ^2 =



(33−^2006 )^2

200 / 6


(40−^2006 )^2

200 / 6


(39−^2006 )^2

200 / 6


(28−^2006 )^2

200 / 6


(36−^2006 )^2

200 / 6


(24−^2006 )^2

200 / 6

≈ 5. 98.

TheP-value corresponding to this measured value isP(χ^25 ≥ 5 .98)≈
0. 308 .(We sometimes writeχ^2 nfor the χ^2 random variable with nde-
grees of freedom.) This is really not small enough (not “significant
enough) for us to reject the null hypothesis of the fairness of the die.

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