SECTION 6.6 χ^2 and Goodness of Fit 411
on the viewers!
6.6.1 χ^2 tests of independence; two-way tables
Students who have attended my classes will probably have heard me
make a number of rather cavalier—sometimes even reckless—statements.
One that I’ve often made, despite having only anecdotal evidence, is
that among students having been exposed to both algebra and geome-
try, girls prefer algebra and boys prefer algebra. Now suppose that we
go out and put this to a test, taking a survey of 300 students which
results in the followingtwo-way contingency table^32 :
Male Female Totals
Subject Preference
Prefers Algebra
Prefers Geometry
Totals 147 153 300
Inherent in the above table are two categorical random variables
X=gender andY= subject preference. We’re trying to assess the inde-
pendence of the two variables, which would form our null hypothesis,
versus the alternative that there is a gender dependency on the subject
In order to make the above more precise, assume, for the sake of
argument that we knew the exact distributions ofX andY, say that
P(X= male) =p, and P(Y prefers algebra) =q.
IfXandY are really independent, then we have equations such as
P(X= male andY prefers algebra) = P(X= male)·P(Y prefers algebra)
= pq.
Given this, we would expect that among the 300 students sampled,
roughly 300pqwould be males and prefer algebra. Given that the actual
(^32) These numbers are hypothetical—I just made them up!