Basic Woodworking

(Wang) #1


Chapter 22

Friends and Foes

Before you begin finishing your project, you should pay close attention to the environment in which you are
working; it can be friendly or unfriendly. The following tips should help

 Good lighting: Good lighting is essential. Use direct light to reveal runs, blemishes, missed areas, etc. This
means you will need to move your project or yourself around to allow the light to do its
 No Mess: Make certain the area is clean around you. Nothing should obstruct your work once you get
 Good Ventilation: Do not do finish work in a closed area without proper air flow. Fumes can be
dangerous, not to mention give you a terrible headache. Also, make certain winds or breezes
cannot come into your work area, they carry particles that could adhere to your project.
 Clean Applicators: An applicator is the method by which you will apply your finish. The most common
and basic methods of applying finish are with rags or brushes. Make certain your applicator is
clean, dry, and free of loose material (detached brush hairs, threads, excess material, etc.). These
will come off and stick to your project. Some shops are equipped with spray booths, which
require special attention.
 Supplies:
Stir Stick: Stains should always be stirred gently before beginning your project because heavier
color pigments settle on the bottom of the can.
Paper towels and rags: Clean-up messes immediately! Don’t leave puddles of finish behind for
someone to deal with.
Rubber Gloves: Besides keeping your
hands clean, gloves help
prevent the oils in your skin
from affecting your stain.
Aprons: If you do not wish to damage
your clothes, aprons are
Drop Cloths: If you are staining on the
floor, use a drop cloth. This
will help prevent particles on
the floor from adhering to
your project.
Safety Glasses: As always, wear your
glasses. Droplets of finish
liquids and fumes can burn
your eyes.

 Sawdust: Finish areas and sanding areas should be separated. Floating dust particles will adhere to your
project and ruin the finish. Never sand near the finish area.
 Sloppy stainers: Protect your work from sloppy stainers by putting your finished project someplace safe.
Don’t leave it on the staining table. Some people are much too aggressive when staining and send
droplets everywhere. You can’t change them but you can save your project. Put it in a safe place.
Likewise, don’t be a messy stainer. The staining process is slow and easy, gentle and fluid. Take
your time....And clean up after yourself.
 Messy people: Clean up is crucial. After you finish staining or applying your topcoats, clean up your
brushes with paint thinner. Stain and Polyurethane are oil based materials, which means you cannot
wash them with water. You must use paint thinner to clean your brushes. Rags should be put in the
proper disposing can.


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