Basic Woodworking

(Wang) #1


Chapter 26

Introduction to Work Ethic

Ethics is a term used to describe a person’s moral philosophy. Their ethic is what they consider to be right or
wrong behavior – what ought to be and what ought not to be. When applied to work habits and practices, the set
of values a person applies to the way they work is called their work ethic. If a person has a poor work ethic, for
example, they are typically considered lazy, unmotivated, unreliable, excuse makers, and unaware. On the other
hand, people who have a good work ethic are typically considered hard working, diligent, attentive, honest, and
driven to learn more. Though cultures vary, a common definition of a strong work ethic seems to be woven into
us all. While westerners tend to place high value on “keeping busy” and “completing quickly”, other cultures
may view “being in relationship” or “value resting over rushing.” It is the pursuit of excellence as it is defined
by the culture in which a person lives that defines a good work ethic. The truth is, the people who are more
diligent to complete a task are more respected in their communities.

Having a good work ethic has its benefits. Listed below are a few.
 A good reputation: Having a good name is better than being rich. When others know that you are reliable,
industrious, and determined you experience a wealth in relationships that surpass riches.
 Peace of mind: A cluttered room is a cluttered mind. When things around you are messy, disorderly, or
incomplete, the mind has little rest. People are made for some sense of order; it’s why we feel so at
peace when we go to the mountains or the beach where everything seems to be in undisturbed balance.
When you work hard to bring order to your life, life becomes more peaceful.
 Greater rewards: When you have a good work ethic you are trusted with more responsibility, and with
more responsibility come greater rewards (higher pay, the trust of others, value, etc.).
 Sense of security for others: With a good work ethic, the people who rely on you feel secure. They are not
worried because they know your hard work will take care of what needs to be done.
 Increased knowledge: Those who are willing to work hard typically discover more. They risk trying
something new and learn different approaches to make things work.
 Confidence: When you work hard to complete a job with the best your ability it builds the confidence to
do it again or to try something of greater difficulty.
 Satisfaction: Working diligently to complete a job feels good. Satisfaction in a job well done is a great
 Health: A good work ethic is reflected in everything you do. If you are willing to work hard at work, then
you are typically prepared to work hard to promote your own physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and
mental health as well. Simply put, having a good work ethic will benefit every facet of your life.
 Self-sufficiency: Hard workers tend to be more self-reliant. They don’t expect others to take care of them;
they are content to take responsibility for themselves. They are not afraid of hard work or difficult
times because they know how to survive on their own.
 Benefits others: By working hard you benefit others: a boss, your employer, fellow employees/students,
family members, your friends, and the needy. A strong economy is built this way, and the needs of the
unfortunate are met. By doing so you discover that it is better to give than to receive.

Determining your work ethic
To determine your work ethic, you must first decide what you value. Then, ask yourself if what you value is
marketable (will people want it?). For example:
 Will your future boss want someone who always complains?
 Will your spouse want someone who is lazy?
 Will putting off things make your life more peaceful?
 Would you want to hire someone with your work ethic? Why?

Work Ethic

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