Basic Woodworking

(Wang) #1


Basic Woodworking
A score of 75% or greater is required before advancing to the next skill set

Name:______________________________________________________ Date:____________________


Grading Scale: 1= Poor 2= Needs work 3= Good 4= Well done 5= Excellent

Planning and preparation (25 possible points)
A. Plans Score

  1. Views (front, top, left side, section) _____

  2. Line quality, neatness, and orderliness _____

  3. Scaling _____

  4. Title block _____

  5. Dimensions and notations _____

Total: _______
Construction (25 possible points)
A. Project Building Comprehension Score

  1. Skillful and safe use of required tools _____

  2. Understands woodworking techniques and plan reading _____
    B. Assembly

  3. Dimensions and image match plans _____

  4. Construction is square _____

  5. Joinery is strong, clean, and smooth _____

Total: _______
Finish (25 possible points)
A. Surface preparation Score

  1. No visible dents, scratches, mill marks, etc. _____

  2. Sanding (smooth, edges softened, etc.) _____

  3. No visible glue marks. Proper use of filler/plugs/caps. _____
    B. Finishing

  4. Stain _____

  5. Finish top coats _
    Total: ___

    Overall Work Ethic (25 possible points)
    A. Cooperation (does share of cleaning, picks up after self, helpful)
    B. Diligence (hard working, industrious, self-motivated, initiative)

    C. Behavior (serious, focused, punctual, not distracting)
    D. Excellence (overall project appearance, pursuit of craft, driven)

    E. Integrity (honest, does own work, honors classmates, reliable) _____

Total: ____ (^)
Final Score: _____

Project Evaluation Form

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