The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham

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Ken Taylor, a friend of Billy’s and founder and chairman of
Tyndale House Publishers, has also given away many millions; to
economize, Ken also drove a small car, a
tiny Chevette. Friends continually urged
him to drive something bigger and therefore
safer. Eventually he did.
What do we need for ourselves? Should we all drive small
economy cars? If we are among the fortunate, to what degree
should we sacrifice? How can we genuinely help the poor?
The answers are far from simple. Billy Graham has given away
millions, but he has always wrestled with the fact that he has been
given so much and the world’s needs are so great.
In a world of consumerism and constantly changing economic
vectors, defining a financial ethic is a lifetime task—one that lead-
ers should approach head-on with application of their best logic
and commitments.

Match Financial Harnesses That Fit
Once we have developed our personal convictions about
money, we need to evaluate our personal skills. Here is where a
team approach is critical. Generating funds, administrating them,
strategizing their use—all are vital components. Strong, able play-
ers must be put into the best-fitting harnesses and given clear
Recognizing what we don’tdo well and must leave to others
is as crucial as recognizing our strengths.
“Billy has always clearly seen he is a poor fund-raiser,” one of
his colleagues said about him. “He hates to ask people for money
if he feels they are friends—hates to impose on their friendship.
He doesn’t want them to think he’s interested in them for their
money.” It’s likely Billy’s feelings are not just personal hesitance
but his “off-the-charts emotional intelligence” kicking in. His net-
working and pastoral roles to national leaders and others could
easily be jeopardized by coming off like a salesman.
Yet Billy knew it took money to make things happen. Ted
Engstrom, who later served as president of Youth for Christ and

Mobilizing Money

Money has become the
grand test of virtue.
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