sermons and ministry news, but he also included articles such as
a thoughtful yet accessible series on Russian author Fyodor Dos-
toyevsky, complete with compelling original art. He knew Billy’s
vision was to take the magazine to a higher level, and he stretched
to do so.
Early in the preparations for this book, we contacted “Woody.”
In his nineties and still vigorous, he supplied excellent insights
and advice and also pointed us to his own book, simply titled Billy.
It gives detailed insights into how Graham connected with
respected teammates, how he cultivated them, worked beside
them, inspired and entrusted them.
First, Billy had to recruit Woody. He called him late one night
at his parsonage, said he had read his writings, and that he had
been talking with others who had connected with him. Billy asked
him over the phone to become editor of his “new paper.”
Soon Billy had Woody with him in Melbourne, Australia. It
was the start of “jazz music” à la DePree and Ross. Here are some
of the ways Billy led this particular “musician”:
He immersed Woody in the vision,the dream,the action.A few
months after Billy’s invitation over the phone, the evangelist was
experiencing the largest crowds of his career in Australia, and he
brought his new editor right into the middle of it. Once, although
he wasn’t invited, Woody added himself to the team’s travel ros-
ter for a flight to Tasmania. He felt apprehensive that he’d been
too bold and, on boarding the plane, met with Billy, who was
surprised at his presence. Still, Billy gave him a squeeze (the
value of touch) and said, “Bless your heart,” assuring him he was
He prayed with him.The core reality of Billy’s leadership cen-
ters in prayer. Billy called Woody to his hotel room to give details
of his new position as editor; then they prayed together. The effect
on Woody of those few minutes on their knees had its own
power: “I rose, feeling greatly refreshed. A final word, a hand-
shake, and I was out the door and on my way to the airport and
across the Pacific, bursting with anticipation of what the Lord was
about to do.”
Empowering Soul Mates