The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham

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A leader: An individual who created an alchemy of
vision that moved people from where they were to
places that they have never been before.

When we considered the way Billy’s leadership built momentum all the way through his
more than sixty years of ministry, we wondered what maintained and multiplied that
momentum. As we studied the dynamics, we isolated these four questions:
While many of his colleagues dreamed of filling critical vacuums with new initiatives,
like launching a major national magazine, Billy actually went ahead and did it. How did he
approach his entrepreneurship so effectively?
How did Billy build all those bridges to leaders of constituencies in many ways the
opposite of his own?
We found great numbers of strong leaders throughout the world who consider Billy
their mentor, even though most have spent little one-on-one time with him. How did that
Over the years, how did Billy just keep planting all those seeds that bore so many
kinds of fruit?

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These four chapters grapple with those questions and attempt to find applications.
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