The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham

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These fishermen underestimated the power of the fish they were
trying to catch. Temptation, likewise, can blindside you. A small
indiscretion appears worth the risk. But as with a hooked tuna, only
after we hook into temptation do we discover its strength.
Oscar Wilde said that the easiest way to get rid of a temptation
is to yield to it. Maybe. In actuality, a temptation that has been
given in to usually returns, only with more force. The leader who
rationalizes finds himself or herself reeling in a disaster. One indis-
cretion can bury a leader’s life work.

Minimize Secrecy; Maximize Reinforcements
When we minimize secrecy and openly admit temptations are
there, we can build in safeguards against poor judgment, uncon-
scious motivations, and self-deception. Says Bill Hybels, “Leader-
ship requires moral authority. Followers will only trust leaders
who exhibit the highest levels of integrity.”
For the Graham team, the “Modesto Manifesto” put clearly
on the table the issue of temptations. Ever after, the subject was
no longer taboo but one that could be openly addressed. And
that’s the first step toward overcoming
the power of temptation.
But airing the problem isn’t enough.
The Graham team also recognized the
need to put the right reinforcements
into the structure of their work.
The book Built to Lastdescribes how
building mechanisms into organizations
produces dynamic results. The book
illustrates how in the 3-M Company
mechanisms were the key factor in year after year creating new,
outstanding products.
The mechanisms Billy Graham and his team built into their
organization had equally profound results. Driving significant
accountability stakes into the ground protected them. It then per-
meated their ministries and affected others with whom they were

The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham

There is no one without faults,
not even men of God. They are
men of God, not because they
are faultless but because
they know their own faults,
they strive against them, they
do not hide them and are ever
ready to correct themselves.
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