(John Hannent) #1


Fig. 9.8 White fissure sealants can
easily be check at recall, they are also
visible to show the patient and parent to
help them understand the procedure.


Fig. 9.9 Clear fissure sealant is less
easy to see though its presence can be
checked, if an area is giving cause for
concern, by etching.


Although often perceived as difficult to apply on children, the use of rubber dam
creates a better working environment for both the dentist and the child. Once the
technique is mastered it can be applied both quickly and with minimal discomfort.
The advantages of the rubber dam are:

  1. It protects the soft tissues (tongue, cheeks, and gingivae) from damage from
    instruments or medicaments.

  2. It reduces the risk of swallowing and inhalation of instruments, and particles and

  3. It makes the salivary aerosol produced by high speed rotary instruments easier to
    control thereby reducing the risk of infection to the dental staff.

  4. If used with inhalation sedation it will reduce the amount of mouth breathing
    thereby allowing less nitrous oxide to be used and thus reducing the gas level in the
    general environment of the dental surgery.

  5. It often makes the child feel isolated from the treatment, thus helping the child to
    feel more relaxed and able to cope.

  6. It provides the best possible dry field; for materials where moisture control is
    essential its use is imperative (427HFig. 9.10).

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