(John Hannent) #1

ideal for cases where there is a risk of tooth tissue loss.


(1) amelogenesis imperfecta;
(2) dentinogenesis imperfecta;
(3) dental erosion, attrition, or abrasion;
(4) enamel hypoplasia.


(1) gingival retraction cord;
(2) elastomeric impression material;
(3) facebow system;
(4) semi-adjustable articulator;
(5) rubber dam;
(6) Panavia Ex (Kuraray).


  1. Obtain study models (these are essential) and photographs if possible.

  2. Perform a full mouth prophylaxis.

  3. Ensure good moisture isolation.

  4. Place retraction cord into the gingival crevices of the teeth to be treated and remove
    immediately prior to taking the impression.

  5. Take an impression using an elastomeric impression material⎯a putty/wash system
    is the best and check the margins are easily distinguishable.

  6. Take a facebow transfer and interocclusal record in the retruded axis position.

  7. Mount the casts on a semi-adjustable articulator.

  8. Construct cast onlays, a maximum of 1.5 mm thick occlusally in either nickel/
    chrome or gold.

  9. Grit-blast the fitting surfaces of the occlusal onlays.

  10. Return to the mouth and check the fit of the onlays.

  11. Polish the teeth with pumice and isolate under rubber dam where possible.

  12. Cement onlays using Panavia Ex.

  13. Check occlusion.

  14. Review in 1 week for problems, and regularly thereafter.

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