(John Hannent) #1

2.7.1 Communication management

  1. Voice control is a controlled alteration of voice volume, tone, or pace to influence
    and direct the patient's behaviour.


(i) To gain the patient's attention and compliance.
(ii) To avert negative or avoidance behaviour.
(iii) To establish appropriate adult-child roles.

Indications: May be used with any patient.

Contraindications: None.

  1. Non-verbal communication is the reinforcement and guidance of behaviour through
    appropriate contact, posture, and facial expression.


(i) To enhance the effectiveness of other communicative management techniques.
(ii) To gain or maintain the patient's attention and compliance.

Indications: May be used with any patient.

Contraindications: None.

  1. Tell-show-do is a technique of behaviour shaping used with both verbal and non-
    verbal communication.


(i) To teach the patient important aspects of the dental visit and familiarize the
patient with the dental setting.
(ii) To shape the patient's response to procedures through desensitization and well-
described expectations.

Indications: May be used with any patient.

Contraindications: None.

  1. Positive reinforcement is the process of establishing desirable patient behaviour
    through appropriate feedback.


(i) To reinforce desired behaviour.

Indications: May be useful for any patient.

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