Marketing Communications

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Marketing Communications
Advertising Techniques


TELEVISION PRODUCTION: in a television commercial, a script is written and such script specifies
exactly what sight (video) and sounds (audio) are to take place in each scene or shot. The script is tied
in with a STORYBOARD, which shows the video, or illustrations, with the audio typed below each
panel. The storyboard will be approved by the advertiser; the producer then provides the actors, props,
music and sound effects and conduct rehearsals until he is convinced the advertisement is ready for
commercial. The commercial can be broadcast live, filmed or recorded on a videotape. After editing
the RUSHES or hurriedly produced low quality prints of the commercial scenes. The best shots are put
together into a wORK PRINT; this copy is used for further editing and mixing of sounds to ensure an
INTERLOCK. After the approval of the interlock, dubbing, special optical effects, voices and music are
put together to get the ANSwER PRINT or duplicates. The answer prints are sent for approvals and
with the advertiser’s approval, RELEASE PRINTS are made and sent to various networks or television
stations for broadcasting. The discovery of magnetic types has made videotaping more in use because
videotape will record pictures and sounds simultaneously. The production process from pre-production
unto post-production has been computerized and there are software that can do virtually all the necessary
work, though creativity is still essentially from the producer.


The television message consists of two elements:

  1. THE AUDIO ELEMENT: made up of spoken words, music and other sounds.

  2. THE VIDEO ELEMENT: comprising the visual presentation.

The writing of a script is usually the first step in creating a television message. This note is not meant to
make you a professional copy writer, it is aimed at making you to understand the elements in preparing
a script for television message; as such knowledge would be useful anytime you are faced with discussing
and approving a script for production in your company.

The written script should begin with promise of the products significant benefit to the viewer; that is a
promise you can offer in good faith. The promise is followed by whatever amplification and proof that
is possible within the limited time.

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