Marketing Communications

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Marketing Communications
Promotion Planning And Techniques

  1. OBJECTIVES SHOULD BE DEFINED AND FOCUSED: They should contain a well-
    defined promotion target whenever possible. Promotion programmes are made for target
    groups, a specific definition of the target characteristics must reflect in the statement
    of objectives.

  2. OBJECTIVES SHOULD BE MADE IN wRITTEN FORM: They should be in written form
    because information in verbal objectives can be distorted during activities implementation
    and result into misunderstanding among key promotion personnel.

  3. OBJECTIVES MUST BE REALISTIC AND ACHIEVABLE: They should be realistic and
    achievable. The objective should not be set too high which could lead to discouragement
    and low personnel morale and they should not be set to low because it will not bring out
    the best in key promotion personnel.

    assisting to reinforce and attain the overall marketing objectives, including objectives in
    advertising, publicity, personal selling and sale promotion.

  5. PERIODICAL REVIEw AGAINST PLAN: They should be reviewed periodically to
    determine if promotion programmes are running according to plan or adjusted where a
    need has been identified.


Strategy is a dynamic action oriented policies arranged to accomplish company mission, business goals
and functional objectives. It is a unified, comprehensive, and integrated plan that relates the strategic
advantages of the firm to the challenges of the environment and that is designed to ensure that the basic
objectives of the company are achieved through proper execution by the organization.

Strategic approaches used for implementing promotion programmes include:

•    Push strategy
• Pull strategy
• Push-pull or combination strategy.


The push promotion strategy which is also referred to as Pressure strategy, emphasizes strongly the use of
personal selling at all stages of the marketing of channel. Salesmen make personal contact with prospects;
explain product features and benefits with an objective of pressing for or ensuring a favourable buying
decision. Manufacturer’s salesmen call upon wholesalers, wholesale salesmen call upon retailers and
retail salesmen aggressively sell to consumers. By this method, the product is forced or pushed through
the marketing channel. Push strategies are usually used in selling industrial products and consumer
products that require personal selling efforts.

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