Masculine Feminine Neuter
Most currencies: Diminutives:
der Euro,der Dollar das Händchen
(‘little hand’)
das Tischlein
(‘little table’)
Exceptions include: Exceptions include: Exceptions include:
das Bier,das Wasser; das Mädchenand the der Irak,die Schweiz,
das Britische Pfund following rivers: der Main, die Türkei,die Ukraine,
(Sterling) der Rhein,der Neckar die Niederlande (plural),
die USA(plural)
Compound nouns
The last noun defines the gender
Compound nouns usually consist of two or more nouns. The gender is
defined by the last noun:
der Computer+das Spiel→das Computerspiel
computer game
der Bauch +der Tanz +die Lehrerin →die Bauchtanzlehrerin
teacher of belly dancing
When joining noun+nountogether an extra -sis often inserted to link
the components and to make the pronunciation easier. This usually
happens when the first noun ends in -heit,-ing,-ion,-keit,-ling,-schaft,
der Liebling +die Band → die Lieblingsband
favourite band
die Mehrheit +der Beschluss → der Mehrheitsbeschluss
majority decision
4 Unit 1: Nouns and gender