Android Tutorial

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Android Tutorial 109

two separate <uses- configuration> tags in your manifest file, as

<uses-configuration android:reqHardKeyboard="true"
android:reqTouchScreen="finger" />
<uses-configuration android:reqHardKeyboard="true"
android:reqTouchScreen="stylus" />

Specifying Required Device Features

Not all Android devices support every Android feature. Put another
way: There are a number of APIs (and related hardware) that
Android devices may optionally include. For example, not all
Android devices have multi-touch ability or a camera flash.

The <uses-feature> tag can be used to specify which Android
features the application requires to run properly. These settings are
for informational purposes only—the Android operating system
does not enforce these settings, but publication channels such as
the Android Market use this information to filter the applications
available to a given user.

If your application requires multiple features, you must create a
<uses-feature> tag for each. For example, an application that
requires both a light and proximity sensor requires two tags:

One common reason to use the <uses-feature> tag is for
specifying the OpenGL ES versions supported by your application.
By default, all applications function with OpenGL ES 1.0 (which is a
required feature of all Android devices). However, if your
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