Android Tutorial

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Android Tutorial 111

For more information about the <supports-screen> tag of the
Android manifest file, see the Android SDK reference as well as the
Android Dev Guide documentation on Screen Support.

Working with External Libraries

You can register any shared libraries your application links to within
the Android manifest file. By default, every application is linked to
the standard Android packages (such as and is aware
of its own package.However, if your application links to additional
packages, they must be registered within the <application> tag of
the Android manifest file using the <uses-library> tag. For example

This feature is often used for linking to optional Google APIs. For
more information about the <uses-library> tag of the Android
manifest file, see the Android SDK reference.

Registering Activities and Other Application


Each Activity within the application must be defined within the
Android manifest file with an <activity> tag. For example, the
following XML excerpt defines an Activity class called AudioActivity:

This Activity must be defined as a class within the
com.androidbook.multimedia package. That is, the package
specified in the <manifest> element of the Android manifest file.
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