Android Tutorial

(avery) #1

By : Ketan Bhimani

190 

through some operation, such as a playing a song or watching a
video. The Android SDK provides several types of progress bars.

The standard progress bar is a circular indicator that only animates.
It does not show how complete an action is. It can, however, show
that something is taking place. This is useful when an action is
indeterminate in length. There are three sizes of this type of
progress indicator.

Various types of progress and rating

The second type is a horizontal progress
bar that shows the completeness of an
action. (For example, you can see how
much of a file is downloading.) This
horizontal progress bar can also have a
secondary progress indicator on it. This can
be used, for instance, to show the
completion of a downloading media file
while that file plays.

This is an XML layout resource definition for
a basic indeterminate progress bar:

android:layout_height=”wrap_content” />

The default style is for a medium-size circular progress indicator;
not a “bar” at all. The other two styles for indeterminate progress
bar are progressBarStyleLarge and progressBarStyleSmall. This
style animates automatically. The next sample shows the layout
definition for a horizontal progress indicator:
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