Using .NET’s SerialPort Class
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The BinaryReader and BinaryWriter classes support reading and writing data in
a variety of formats, including bytes and other numeric types, Boolean data,
Chars, and length-prefixed strings.
An application uses the SerialPort object’s BaseStream property to obtain a
Stream object and then uses the object to create BinaryReader and Binary-
Wr i t e r o b j e c t s :
Friend binaryReader1 As BinaryReader
Friend binaryWriter1 As BinaryWriter
Dim serialPortStream As Stream
' Get the port's Stream object.
serialPortStream = myComPort.BaseStream
' Use the Stream object to create BinaryReader and BinaryWriter objects.
binaryReader1 = New BinaryReader(serialPortStream)
binaryWriter1 = New BinaryWriter(serialPortStream)
internal BinaryReader binaryReader1;
internal BinaryWriter binaryWriter1;
Stream serialPortStream = null;
// Get the port's Stream object.
serialPortStream = myComPort.BaseStream;
// Use the Stream object to create BinaryReader and BinaryWriter objects.
binaryReader1 = new BinaryReader( serialPortStream );
binaryWriter1 = new BinaryWriter( serialPortStream );
The Write method can write a byte to a port:
Dim dataToWrite As Byte
dataToWrite = 65