An RS-485 Network
The response to read_byte contains the requested byte in ASCII Hex format:
A command sent to node h to read a byte from location b is:
followed by a LF.
These are the transmitted values in hexadecimal:
3a 68 31 62 0a
On accepting the command, node h reads location b. If the location contains
the value A5h, the node responds with:
followed by a LF.
These are the values transmitted in hexadecimal:
3a 68 61 35 0a
0 : (ASCII 58) Start-of-communication indicator
1 address Identifies the sender
2 data Requested data, most significant nibble
(ASCII Hex format)
3 data Requested data, least significant nibble
(ASCII Hex format)
4 LF (ASCII 10) End-of-communication indicator