Using Special-function USB Controllers
when the CPU can read a byte from the FT245R, and the CPU strobes RD# to
read the byte. In the other direction, the TXE# output goes low when the CPU
can write a byte to the FT245R, and the CPU strobes WR# to write the byte
into the FT245R’s buffer. An external CPU can use a data bus or any spare port
pins to access the FT245R’s parallel port. Parameters such as bit rate and parity
don’t apply to this chip.
FTDI’s controllers are available only in surface-mount packages. For prototyp-
ing, FTDI and other vendors offer a variety of converters and development
boards. FTDI’s UM232R and UM245R modules (Figure 15-3) each consist of
a circuit board with a controller chip, USB connector, and related circuits
mounted on a 24-pin dual in-line package (DIP).
For interfacing a PC to a microcontroller’s serial port, FTDI’s TTL-232R serial
converter cable provides a quick solution. Inside the cable’s USB connector is
an FT232R circuit. The other end of the cable has a 6-pin socket header that
Figure 15-3: For easy prototyping with FTDIs’ controllers, use the UM232R and
UM245R modules.