Cutting Angles Greater Than 45°
on a Chopsaw
OR A RECENT PROJECT, I needed to make 50 ̊ miter cuts, but my
power miter saw cut only up to 47 ̊. To remedy that problem, I
made a fixture that clamps to the main fence with the working edge
90 ̊ to the saw’s original fence.
Now, to cut large angles, all I have to do is set the saw at the recip-
rocal of the angle (90 ̊ minus 50 ̊ gives a saw setting of 40 ̊). When
you cut angles more than 60 ̊, it is a good idea to use a workpiece
hold-down to keep your fingers away from the blade.
—RICHARDA. MENIN,Meadowbrook, Pa.
Clamp fixture’s
fence to the
saw fence.