
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Elevating the platform swings the drill through a short arc, so the
fence on the sliding table must be mounted through slotted bolt holes
to allow for movement. Hardwood rails on the bottom of the table
mated with hardwood guide blocks on the base provide the tracking
action for the sliding table.

Masking-Tape Drill Stop


HE BEST DEPTH STOPfor a portable electric drill is a masking-
tape flag around the bit stem, as shown in the drawing below.
Masking tape works on all kinds of bits, is easy to set to the right
depth, and never mars the workpiece. The advantage of the flag is that
you don’t have to strain your eyes to tell when the tape reaches the
surface—you simply stop drilling when the flag sweeps the chips away.
—RICHARDR. KRUEGER, Seattle,Wash.,
and Norman Crowfoot, Pinetop, Ariz.

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