Adjustable Curve
O MAKE THIS ADJUSTABLEcurve, start with a piece of fine,
straightgrained hardwood—hickory is best. Cut a^1 ⁄ 4 -in.-thick
strip about 36 in. long and 1^1 ⁄ 2 in. wide. Now taper the strip to^3 ⁄ 4 in.
wide and^3 ⁄ 32 in. thick at one end. Glue a reinforcing patch on the thin
end and saw a small notch in each end of the piece. To complete the
curve, tie a series of knots in a string and string up the curve like a
bow. Unstring the curve when it’s not in use.
—FLOYDLIEN,Aptos, Calif.
Tapered hickory bow
Knotted string Reinforcing patch