Making a Curved Sanding Block
ERE IS AN EASY WAYto make a curved sanding block for cove
stock or circular holes. Split a piece of PVC 20 (the light-
weight, cheaper stuff) lengthwise on the table saw or bandsaw, so you
have just over a full half cylinder. Size the sandpaper so that it wraps
around the half cylinder with an extra^1 ⁄ 2 -in. flap on both sides. With
the sandpaper in place, snap the block over a length of the next
smaller size pipe to hold the sandpaper in place. Because this works
with any two steps in size, you can vary the radius from^1 ⁄ 2 in. to 2 in.
Adjoining sizes
of lightweight
PVC pipe
Wrap sandpaper, and press
smaller pipe in place.