
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Beltsanding Narrow Work


RECENTLY HAD THE PROBLEMof beltsanding the edge of a 1-in.-
thick tabletop. Try as I might, I couldn’t help but rock the belt
sander. This resulted in a rounded and uneven edge. I solved this
problem by clamping a straight length of scrapwood to the tabletop to
increase the surface area for the belt sander to rest on. I used a square
to make sure the two surfaces were properly aligned, and clamped the
scrap piece to the top side of the table to keep from marring it with
the clamps.
—ROOPINDERTARA,Willow Grove, Pa.


Narrow edge to
be sanded

Straightedge stabilizes sander
and gives reference surface.
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