
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Repairing Cracks


N THE PROCESS OFrepairing furniture or using seasoned lumber, we
occasionally encounter a split board. Depending on the severity of
the crack and the value of the lumber, it is sometimes desirable to
repair the crack. A vacuum cleaner, masking tape, clamps, and glue can
accomplish this. Tape over the crack, down the end of the board, and
on the underside of the crack. The object is to create a vacuum.
With a crevice tool on the vacuum cleaner, suck the glue into the
crack while slowly peeling back the masking tape. Add glue while slid-
ing the crevice tool out to the end of the board. Once the crack is
filled with glue, clamp the split closed. The viscosity of glue is usually
sufficient to prevent it from being sucked into the vacuum-cleaner
hose. To be safe, remove the hose as soon as glue is visible on the
underside. A little experimentation will show you how much time,
glue, and tape to use.
—RAYSCHWENN,Jamesville, N.Y.


Seal crack with tape to
contain vacuum.


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