(Martin Jones) #1


  1. ME But they're in equilibrium. So really, Dialog Coding Comments
    the only component we're interested in is this one. This one is balanced, that one's balanced. W C New EpisodeWarrant - Equilibrium means they are balanced.. Claim - one component

  2. ST OK, this, these two [+ and - vertical^
    components] are supposed to balance each other. W Implicit warrant using the second law.

  3. ME Uh, huh. 78. ST And this one [T sin 30] and this one [f Ak
    cos Newtons. The weight of these two. ] are supposed to balance the 300 W Implicit warrant using the second law.

  4. ME OK, now where's your angle for this normal force [f]? Is it the same as this one

W New Episode.

  1. ST Umm, no, it's a totally different angle. (CB/ME look shocked) I'm serious. This is
    exactly how he did it yesterday.

C B Backing from class lecture.

  1. ME OK, think, think, think. 82. ST This one was called , and this one... En W Encourages the group

  2. ME Yeah. Ak B Uses generally accepted notation and mimics the lecture.

  3. ST ...was called alpha. W Uses generally accepted notation and mimics the lecture.

  4. ME OK. 86. ST Oh, shit. Ak X (^) X = Omitted. Although said in a sense of
    futility, this could be seen as a skeptic statement.

  5. ME Would it be 60 degrees? 88. ST He never completed the whole RQCl RQCl = Request for Clarification.
    problem yesterday. He just cut it out the whole entire time. Cl B^

  6. ME So we'll call it alpha, too. C Based on implicit backing of what the professor did.

  7. TA So wait a second. It's probably a good idea, because trying to base it on just

I I = TA Intervention. This was not omitted due to the relatively minor effect

  1. ME We'll just call it alpha, then. That of the intervention.
    sounds good. 92. ST Yeah. Sp Cl^

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