(Martin Jones) #1


  1. EW We want to find like f-x, Dialog Code Comments
    f-y. 58. SV And we have to use torque. MC C New EpisodeThis extends the Claim in 57.^

  2. EW No, we basically want to find tension...yeah, I know.

(^) That's the whole force diagram, right
Alternate claim immediately follows the Challenge. This could be coded as
an AC, “No...find tension...” followed by an MC, “That's the whole force

  1. JV Do we have to use torques? RQCl diagram...” RQCl = Request for Clarification

  2. SV Yeah, that's statics. 62. JV OK, whatever you call it. Sp W They use few warrants. Sp = Support
    Table 4-1. Group 4C, Episode 6, lines 57-62.

(^) Dialog Code Comments
22B. JH It's negative [i.e., arithmetic sign of the term] and negative because
they're both going down, or because it's [i.e., the sign itself] going clockwise.
G [Included for clarification of what follows.]

  1. LP It seems to me that we don't have the relationship to put together yet. C LP is concerned about the equation JH is writing. The basis of his question is
    22B. LP claims “we don’t know all the equations.”

  2. JH ...seems to me that we know all these values, though. AC “But we do know the values and hence we know the equations.”

  3. KJ We don't know our t's, though. We're going to end up solving for t. AC “But we don’t know the target variables.”
    These two Alternate Claims serve to correct the original Claim. All the

  4. JH OK, you got me...umm. RQCl values are not known. This request is implicit.
    Table 4-2. Group 4B, Episode 3, lines (22b)-26.
    It seemed to me that the students were attempting to politely disagree with one
    another. This observations, plus my criteria for co-construction that groups resolve
    disagreements in a reasonable manner suggested to me that Alternate Claims and
    Modified Claims are forms of controversy. To understand this in the context of
    cooperative groups, I turned to the Johnson model of cooperative learning and the idea of
    the “creative controversy.”

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