(Martin Jones) #1

(^) “Individualistic decision making occurs when isolated individuals independently
decide on a course of action without and interaction or consultation with each
other; each decision maker comes to his or her own decision.”
For each of the four processes they identify six characteristic aspects of the
process. Table 4-3 (page 141) summarizes the four decision-making processes by
describing the six aspects of the process and the results (the last row in the table)
(Johnson and Johnson, 1987, p.225; Johnson and Johnson, 1989, p.92).
It will be helpful to define some of the terms they use in this model. Cognitive
conflict occurs when a student is presented with seemingly opposing viewpoints, ideas,
concepts, or information. The conflict may occur because of the student’s preconceptions
or misconceptions and not necessarily because the input information is incorrect.
Epistemic curiosity is curiosity about the meaning of the information and how it relates
to other ideas. Reconceptualization is the process of reformulating an idea following the
input of new information. Cathexis is the concentration of emotional energy on an idea
under discussion. In some social interaction models, this is referred to as “ownership”
(Johnson and Johnson, 1989).

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