(Martin Jones) #1

Physics Description: A qualitative analysis of a physics problem that involves translating a
litesolution; definingral picture into a a sy diambol for everygram which g importaives onlynt phy the essesics variable on the diagntial information for a maram; drawingthematical a
coordinate system; drawing motion diagrams, specifying the objects' velocity and acceleration at
definite positions and times, drawing idealized, free-body, and force diagrams; when using
conservation principles, drawing "before", "transfer", and "after" diagrams to show how the
systemthat it is unknown; declaring changes; giving the val a target variableue for each physics vari; listing maable labelthematical expressions whiced on the diagram, or specih use thefying
principles, relationships and constraints to relate the physics variables from the diagrams.
Positive Interdependence: One of the five elements of cooperative learning. Positive
interdependence links students together so that their success in a course is dependent on one
another. Group members work togstrategies and answers. ether, striving for consensus on goals, problem solving

Reconceptualization: The process of reformulating an idea following the input of new
Target variable: The unknown variable quantity in a problem.
Toulmsomething as a factin’s Argument St or an assertion of truth.ructure: An assertion of fact is a Grounds (or datclaima) are t, that is, a sthe particulars of a siatement of tuation
that support the claim... In many argumentative contexts, one never makes explicit just how the
grounds support the claim. A warrant is a general rule connecting particular grounds to their
implications. A warrant requires support, such support is called a backing. The appropriate
backipresentng for a warrant such as "chances are." differs fromReb field tuttal refers not to the response of an adversaryo field. Modality refers to qualifiers that ma, but to y be
something the arguer may include and acknowledge: exceptional conditions under which the
usually sound warrant does not hold.
Triangulation: A research technique that uses two or more data collection methods to study
some phenomena or process. The term origlocate one’s position. inates in navigation where two bearings are used to

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