Swift Tutorial - Tutorialspoint

(backadmin) #1
switch lang
case .Swift:
println("Welcome to Swift")
case .Closures:
println("Welcome to Closures")

When we run the above program using playground, we get the following result:

Welcome to Closures

Swift enumeration does not assign its members default value like C and Objective C.
Instead the members are explicitly defined by their enumeration names. Enumeration
name should start with a capital letter (Ex: enum DaysofaWeek).

var weekDay = DaysofaWeek.Sunday

Here the Enumeration name 'DaysofaWeek' is assigned to a variable weekday.Sunday. It
informs the compiler that the datatype belongs to Sunday will be assigned to subsequent
enum members of that particular class. Once the enum member datatype is defined, the
members can be accessed by passing values and further computations.

Enumeration with Switch Statement

Swift 'Switch' statement also follows the multi way selection. Only one variable is accessed
at a particular time based on the specified condition. Default case in switch statement is
used to trap unspecified cases.

enum Climate{
case India
case America
case Africa
case Australia

var season = Climate.America
season = .America
switch season
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