Swift Tutorial - Tutorialspoint

(backadmin) #1
enum Enumname {
static var storedTypeProperty = " "

static var computedTypeProperty: Int {

// return an Int value here

class Classname {
class var computedTypeProperty: Int {
// return an Int value here

Querying and Setting Properties

Just like instance properties Type properties are queried and set with '.' Syntax just on the
type alone instead of pointing to the instance.

struct StudMarks {
static let markCount = 97
static var totalCount = 0
var InternalMarks: Int = 0 {
didSet {
if InternalMarks > StudMarks.markCount {
InternalMarks = StudMarks.markCount
if InternalMarks > StudMarks.totalCount {
StudMarks.totalCount = InternalMarks

var stud1Mark1 = StudMarks()
var stud1Mark2 = StudMarks()

stud1Mark1.InternalMarks = 98
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