Swift Tutorial - Tutorialspoint

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In Swift language Functions associated with particular types are referred to as Methods.
In Objective C Classes are used to define methods, whereas Swift language provides the
user flexibility to have methods for Classes, Structures and Enumerations.

Instance Methods

In Swift language, Classes, Structures and Enumeration instances are accessed through
the instance methods.

Instance methods provide functionality

 To access and modify instance properties

 functionality related to the instance's need

Instance method can be written inside the {} curly braces. It has implicit access to
methods and properties of the type instance. When a specific instance of the type is called
it will get access to that particular instance.


func funcname(Parameters) - > returntype
Statement N
return parameters


class calculations {
let a: Int
let b: Int
let res: Int

init(a: Int, b: Int) {
self.a = a


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