
(Jacob Rumans) #1


"Interlitt", the publishing arm of Lapsley/Brooks
Foundation, is proud and pleased to present the
Bible in Amharic, the language of Ethiopia.

Christianity entered Ethiopia in the 4th century, and
the Bible was translated into Geez (Ethiopic)
thereafter. This Bible was revised in the 14th
Century. The first complete Amharic Bible was
produced in 1840, and went thru several revisions
thereafter. The version of the Bible presented here
was the fulfillment of the expressed desire of Haile
Selassie, and was first published in 1962.

In 1992-93, with the blessing and support of the
Ethiopian Bible Society and Ato Kebede Mamo, the
Director, the Bible was computerized by Hiruye Stige
and his wife Genet. It is our pleasure to make God's
Word, in this electronic form, available to this part of
His family.

Many thanks to Dirk Röckmann for his work in
making this translation available. GF Zemen Unicode
is the font that is used. If you are unable to see the
text in Amharic font, please download the GF Zemen


ፋውQዴSQ Tٍג ድץጅُ ካ ָየֲ]ው

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f_Qץـjُ תያשׂץL ደ
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የ_ُዮጵያ הּQהּ፥ ወደ ግዕዝ נــጎא። f
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אጽּፍ ዱ
f1840 እ.ኤ. የٍאـ ֲתQ፥ ከዚያ f‹ֶ
Lዙ ጊዜ እየـ„„ָחٍُ ֳ። Q እዚ ֱf_Qץـjُ
የשׂנfው אጽּፍ ዱ
፥ f_ُዮጵያው Qጉם fשׂዳדዊ
٪ይ ױֶם ֳዘא] אQግُם፥ f1962 ዓ.ו የٍאـው ]ው።
f1992-1993 ዓ. וf_ُዮጵያ የאጽּፍ ዱ
٭ד fץn
fِ ከfደ זד ድጋፍ፥ ِ šסይ ጽጌn וֳֹœٍْው ወ/צ
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אገn דካይ]ُ ֳዚُ ֱውָድ
እጅግ ደ

ይֱ ُץጉ וየـTካ ይֲQ ዘQድ זያዊ እገዛ ֶደנጉָQ

ץـዲץክ צክדQ ֶٍ ו
ጋn٤QQ እnשׂץוֳֹQ።
የـጠשׂוQfُ ָאክ-ፊደָ (Font)፥ ጂ ኤፍ ዘאQ ዩ¤ኮድ
(GF Zemen Unicode) የֳגውQ ]ው። ጽֽፉQ fץד
ፊደ ֶُካֶገ­ُ፥ ጂ ኤፍ ዘאQ (GF Zemen) ָאክ-
ፊደָQ፥ (Font)፥ ወደ ף
ዎ ኮוፒዩ ץـይُשָא።
Free download pdf