life, and hast no thought of that which is eternal (Syr. when thou canst every day think on that
which is eternal)?
79 But unto you the multitudes that stand by and look to see these that are cast down raised up, I
say, believe in the apostle of Jesus Christ: believe the teacher of truth, believe him that showeth
you the truth, believe Jesus, believe on the Christ that was born, that the born may live by his
life: who also was raised up through infancy, that perfection might appear by his manhood
(man). He did teach his own disciples: for he is the teacher of the truth and maketh wise men
wise (Syr. who went to school that through him perfect wisdom might be known: he taught his
teacher because he was the teacher of verity and the master of the wise). Who also offered the
gift in the temple that he might show that all the (every) offering was sanctified. This is his
apostle, the shewer-forth of truth: this is he that performeth the will of him that sent him. But
there shall come false apostles and prophets of lawlessness, whose end shall be according to their
deeds; preaching indeed and ordaining to flee from ungodliness, but themselves at all times
detected in sins, clad indeed with sheep's clothing, but within, ravening wolves. Who suffice not
themselves with one wife but corrupt many women; who, saying that they despise children,
destroy many children (boys), for whom they will pay the penalty; that content not themselves
with their own possessions, but desire that all useless things should minister unto them only;
professing to be his disciples; and with their mouth they utter one thing, but in their heart they
think another; charging other men to beware of evil, but they themselves perform nought that is
good; who are accounted temperate, and charge other men to abstain from fornication theft, and
covetousness, but in all these things do they themselves walk secretly, teaching other men not to
do them.
80 And when the wild ass had declared all these things, all men gazed upon him. And when he
ceased the apostle said: What I shall think concerning thy beauty, O Jesu, and what I shall tell of
thee, I know not, or rather I am not able, for I have no power to declare it, O Christ that art in
rest, and only wise that only knowest the inward of the heart and understandest the thought.
Glory be to thee, merciful and tranquil. Glory to thee, wise word. Glory to thy compassion that
was born unto us. Glory to thy mercy that was spread out over us. Glory to thy greatness that was
made small for us. Glory to thy most high kingship that was humbled for us. Glory to thy might
which was enfeebled for us. Glory to thy Godhead that for us was seen in likeness of men. Glory
to thy manhood that died for us that it might make us live. Glory to thy resurrection from the
dead; for thereby rising and rest cometh unto our souls. Glory and praise (good report) to thine
ascending into the heavens; for thereby thou hast shewed us the path of the height, and promised
that we shall sit with thee on thy right hand and with thee judge the twelve tribes of Israel. Thou
art the heavenly word of the Father: thou art the hidden light of the understanding, shewer of the
way of truth, driver away of darkness, and blotter-out of error.
81 Having thus spoken, the apostle stood over the women, saying: My Lord and my God, I am
not divided from thee (or doubt not concerning thee), nor as one unbelieving do I call upon thee,
who art always our helper and succourer and raiser-up; who breathest thine own power into us
and encouragest us and givest confidence in love unto thine own servants. I beseech thee, let
these souls be healed and rise up and become such as they were before they were smitten of the
devils. And when he thus spake the women turned and sat up. And the apostle bade the captain
that his servants should take them and bring them within (Syr. and give them food, for they had
not eaten for many days). And when they were gone in, the apostle said unto the wild asses,