complex transitive verbn
see transitive verb
componential analysisn
1 (in semantics) an approach to the study of meaning which analyzes
a word into a set of meaning components or semantic features. For
example, the meaning of the English word boy may be shown as:
<+human> <+male> <– adult>
Usually, componential analysis is applied to a group of related words
which may differ from one another only by one or two components. This
approach was developed in anthropological linguisticsfor the
study of kinship and other terms in various languages.
2 any approach to linguistics which analyses linguistic units, usually words
or sounds, into smaller parts or components. This approach has been
used in phonology and semantics.
see also distinctive feature, semantic features
see componential analysis
composing processesn
in composition and writing, the different stages employed by writers.
Three stages are often recognized in the writing process:
1 rehearsing (also known as prewriting): activities in which writers look
for a topic or for ideas and language related to a topic before beginning
2 writing (also known as planning, drafting, composing): activities in which
writers note down ideas in rough form.
3 revising (also known as editing, postwriting): activities in which writers
check, revise and rewrite what they have written.
These stages in writing do not necessarily occur in sequence but may recur
throughout the composing process. a process approachto the teaching
of writing focuses on encouraging the development of these composing
1 writing as an activity which is intended to increase a person’s skills or
effectiveness as writer.
2 the name for such an activity or subject in school.
3 a piece of written work produced to practise the skills and techniques
of writing or to demonstrate a person’s skill as a writer. In language
teaching, two types of writing activities are sometimes distinguished:
complex transitive verb