
(Chris Devlin) #1

an abbreviation for English as a second language

an abbreviation for English for Speakers of Other Languages (see English
as a second language ( 1 ))

an abbreviation for English for special purposes

essay n
(in composition) a longer piece of writing, particularly one that is written by
a student as part of a course of study or by a writer writing for publication
which expresses the writer’s viewpoint on a topic.
see also methods of development

essay test n
a subjective testin which a person is required to write an extended piece
of text on a set topic.

essentialism n
the belief or assumption that certain group characteristics such as gender,
sexuality, race, or ethnicityare universal to all members of the group,
for example, the assumption that (all) humans are competitive, or that men
are competitive while women are cooperative, or that there are essentially
American or Russian or Japanese ways of speaking. Anti-essentialism,
challenging such notions, is especially characteristic of feminist linguistics
and postmodernism.

an abbreviation for English for Science and Technology
see English for special purposes

E-Tandem learning n
see tandem learning

ethical review board n
also ERB
another term for institutional review board

ethical review board
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