exact replication n
see replication
exact word method n
see cloze test
examination n
any procedure for measuring ability, knowledge, or performance. An
examination is normally a formally administered summative or proficiency
test usually administered by an institution or examination board. The terms
“examination” and “test” can be used interchangeably as there seems to
be no generally accepted agreement regarding the distinction between
the two.
see test
examinee n
another term for test taker
exchange n
a pattern of interaction among two or more people in discourse, especially
in classrooms and small-group discussions. One very common such pattern
is the sequence of three functional moves of teacher initiation (or opening),
for example, “What’s your answer to question 6, Peter?” followed by a
student response, for example, “Taipei,” followed by teacher feedback (or
evaluation), for example, “Correct.” This exchange pattern, which may
account for as much as 70% of classroom discourse, is often referred to as
initiation-response-feedback(IRF) or initiation-response-evaluation(IRE).
exclamation^1 n
an utterance, which may not have the structure of a full sentence, and which
shows strong emotion. For example: Good God! orDamn!
see also interjection
exclamation^2 n
also exclamatory sentence
an utterance which shows the speaker’s or writer’s feelings. Exclamations
begin with a phrase using what or how but they do not reverse the order of
the subject and the auxiliary verb:
How clever she is!
What a good dog!
see also statement, question