
(Chris Devlin) #1
less muscular effort and little or no aspiration, e.g. in English /b/, /d/,
and /g/.
see manner of articulation, voice^2

fossilization nfossilized adj
(in second or foreign language learning) a process which sometimes occurs
in which incorrect linguistic features become a permanent part of the way a
person speaks or writes a language. Aspects of pronunciation, vocabulary
usage, and grammar may become fixed or fossilized in second or foreign
language learning. Fossilized features of pronunciation contribute to a
person’s foreign accent. Some researchers are sceptical of the existence
of true fossilization, which implies the impossibility of future change, and
prefer the term stabilizationinstead.
see also interlanguage

fragment n
see sentence fragment

another term for script

frame semanticsn
a theory that relates linguistic semantics to encyclopedic or real-world
knowledge, generally considered to be a form of cognitive linguistics.

framing n
(in teaching) a questioning techniquein which the teacher provides a
framefor a question by asking a question, pausing, and then calling on a
student response. This is said to increase students’ attention to the question
and thus improve the effectiveness of the question.
see also questioning techniques, wait time

free composition n
see composition

free form n
also free morpheme
see bound form

free practice n
see practice activities

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